간단 정보

[Anthion's Old Friend]

이 퀘스트는 블리자드에 의해 구식으로 지정되어 더 이상 받거나 완료할 수 없습니다.
[Take the incomplete Banner of Provocation to Falrin Treeshaper at the library in Dire Maul.]
미완성된 도전의 깃발 (제공됨) (1)


[Theldren is not one to willingly participate in a fair fight. I've shaped this banner to display his family colors.

With some additional sorcery, this banner shall provoke him in a way he won't be able to resist.

An old acquaintance of mine named Falrin knows the exact procedure required. He has a particular way of... aggravating people. You shall find him at the library in Dire Maul.]


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이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(8948))

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