간단 정보

[The Only Prescription]

이 퀘스트는 블리자드에 의해 구식으로 지정되어 더 이상 받거나 완료할 수 없습니다.
[Recover the 8 lost chapters of Draconic for Dummies and combine them with the Magical Book Binding and return the completed book of Draconic for Dummies: Volume II to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.]
왕초보를 위한 용언 완전정복: 제2권 (1)
제공된 아이템:
마법의 제본 매듭 (1)


[I should have known. My arch-enemy, Doctor Weavil, up to his old tricks! And now, thanks to your failure in Winterspring, Doctor Weavil has destroyed my book! How are you going to save the world now, hero?

The note I received stated that the only known copy of "Draconic for Dummies: Volume II" was ripped into 8 parts and scattered to the wind! If you somehow manage to find those missing chapters, use this magical binding to put them back together and return to me.]


다음과 같은 것들을 받습니다:
정신력의 노움 터번


퀘스트 완료 시 보상:
이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(8620))


연관된 페이지들
